PCSO converts to Islam after helping 'honour' violence victim

Police Community Support Officer Jayne Kemp, 28, decided to find out
about the faith while helping a Muslim woman suffering domestic abuse

A mum-of-two has told how she was inspired to convert to Islam – after helping a victim of honour-based violence as part of her job in the police.

Police Community Support Officer Jayne Kemp, 28, decided to find out about the faith while helping a Muslim woman suffering domestic abuse. 

After speaking to other Muslims on Twitter, she was inspired to give up her Catholic faith to fully convert last year and now lives a completely Islamic lifestyle.

She now goes out on her  PCSO patrols in?Eccles, Salford, wearing the traditional hijab headscarf and makes time up at the end of her shift to attend Friday prayers.

Jayne, single mum to a son, nine, and daughter, seven, formerly converted in a Shahada ceremony last April and now plans to change her name to Aminah.

While her children spent Christmas Day at their dad’s so they could still celebrate, she went round to her mum’s – but had to cook her own dinner so it would be halal.

Jayne, who joined GMP in August 2009 and lives in south Manchester,  said: “It started when I had a woman approach me at work who was experiencing honour-based violence.

“Where I work in Eccles there’s a big mosque and big Muslim population, so I thought I should find out more about it.

“I’d thought Islam was all about women being forced to slave away in the kitchen – but found out it was about being generous with your time, patient and respectful of others.

“As I looked into it I saw similarities with Catholicism and also values like looking after your neighbours and valuing the elderly that older people say younger people don’t have any more.

“I wasn’t looking for any religion at the time but for every question I got answered about Islam I just had five more – I think I fell in love with it.”
Jayne made the decision to tell colleagues she had converted when she wanted to start wearing a hijab to work – and says they have all been supportive.

She is now working with the Greater Manchester Muslim Police Association to design a regulation police hijab and tunic – as one has never been needed before in the force.

Jayne said: “I was worried about what my colleagues would think but they have been so understanding.

“People in Eccles have been great too – most don’t even mention it.

“If my children had struggled with me covering my hair I wouldn’t have done it.

“They have both asked a lot about it but I would never push Islam on them and they will be brought up Catholic.

“I just hope by speaking out I can show it is OK for a Muslim woman to work in the police force and also change negative stereotypes about Islam.”

Jayne, who grew up in Wythenshawe, said: “My family in general are supportive. As long as I’m happy, they’re happy.

“I was very open about my reading and studying Islam. My sister said the other day I’m the happiest she’s ever seen me.”

Jayne was helped to find out about Islam by Muhammad Manzoor, who runs Muslim Twitter account Local Masjid from his Whalley Range home.

He said: “I was humbled Jayne was asking me these questions as it made me find out more about Islam too.

“She has found this religion for herself and hopefully it shows Muslims can mix in society without compromising their faith.” 

Mengapa Muslim Harus Mengasihi Orang Kristen

Orang Kristen menghabiskan begitu banyak waktu dan energi berusaha untuk menyebarkan kekristenan. Berbagai metode kristenisasi mereka lakukan. Tentu saja mereka mengerahkan segala sumber dayanya.

Ketika orang-orang Kristen menyebarkan agama Kristen atau 'menginjili,' mereka tidak menyatakan secara terus terang bahwa mereka berusaha untuk mengubah orang kepada agama mereka. Mereka lebih senang mengemasnya dengan -menyebarkan pesan 'keselamatan,' bukan menyebarkan agama Kristen.

Tentu saja mereka lakukan itu karena sudah tak jelas lagi apa itu agama Kristen, akibat adanya ratusan ribu sekte kekristenan, bahkan ada Unitarian dan Trinitarian, sehingga tak lagi Percaya Diri untuk menyebut sebagai Agama Kristen.

Disamping itu, mereka juga ingin lebih 'menjangkau' Muslim dengan cara membuat mis-interpretasi bahwa dalam Islam tidak ada kepastian keselamatan, kemudian mereka mengkontraskan antara Kepastian Keselamatan Kristen versus Islam.

Dalam Islam jelas bahwa semua Muslim telah dijamin pasti selamat. Tinggal bagaimana sikap kita menjalani ujian kehidupan (QS: 18:7; 29:2); berupa perintah atau larangan (QS: 2:83; 3:104; 4:77; 7:33, 56; 17:31-34; 33:48; 59:7), berupa berkah atau musibah (QS: 14:19; 16:53; 42:30), dan berusaha untuk hidup sebaik mungkin sebagai perwujudan rasa syukur kita kepada Allah, agar memperoleh berkah dari Allah, memperoleh tempat terbaik di surga (QS: 2:152, 172; 3:145; 4:40, 124; 29:17; 31:12-14, 32; 98:7-8; 99:7-8), juga agar tak perlu mampir dulu ke neraka saat melintas shirat atau jembatan di atas neraka sebelum menuju indahnya surga (QS: 19:71).

Dan Islam pun telah menerangkan hanya Islam saja yang di terima disisi Allah (QS: 3:19; 5:3), bahwa semua agama sebelum Islam telah ekspired, telah kedaluarsa, sudah tidak ada lagi jalan keselamatan selain Islam (QS: 3:85).

Demikian juga, Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala, Tuhan seluruh manusia, Tuhanku dan Tuhanmu telah secara terus terang menyatakan dalam firmannya (yang artinya) bahwa:"Sungguh, orang-orang yang kafir dari golongan ahli kitab dan orang-orang musyrik (akan masuk) ke neraka Jahannam; mereka kekal di dalamnya. Mereka itu adalah seburuk-buruk makhluk." (QS. Al-Bayyinah 98:6).

Juga sabda Rasulullah Muhammad shalallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"Demi (Rabb) yang jiwa Muhammad ada di tangan-Nya, tidaklah seorangpun dari umat ini baik Yahudi atau Nashrani yang mendengar tentang aku, kemudian dia mati dalam keadaan tidak beriman kepada apa yang aku diutus dengannya, kecuali ia termasuk para penghuni neraka." (HR. Muslim
(1/134 no. 153 dari sahabat Abu Hurairah).

Oleh karena itu, apapun model 'jalan keselamatan' yang berusaha keras ditawarkan oleh kekristenan sudah tidak bermanfaat lagi. 

Dan sudah sepantasnya Muslim harus menaruh belas kasihan kepada orang Kristen, terutama bagi mereka yang hanya mengikuti apa kata pemimpin mereka.

Semoga bermanfaat

Saya Muslim, dan Kamu? :)

Tolerance is Important, but Finding the Truth is Crusial !

Often times, I see people say that coexisting is enough. That may be true for the 50, 60 years we will live on this world --- But Then What?

Interfaith groups are very important because they bring the community together.

Given the fact that this life is going to pass so quickly, I think what is even more important is All Of All finding the "True" Religion and the one way of life that God will be satisfied with us following.

Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and all other faiths claim to be correct and part of our mission on this earth is to uncover the truth. We have to let go of our pride and arrogance and all work together to find the true religion Allah will be satisfied with. (by. Abdullah).

MasyaAllah... 90 Filipinos Serentak ber-Syahadat

90 Filipinos Convert to Islam January 1st week 2013
Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahu Akbar !!
Pada minggu pertama awal tahun baru 2013 saat ini, sebanyak 90 orang Filipina berikrar, mengucap syahadat, menjadi Muslim.
Semoga 900, 9.000, 90.000 ... dan seterusnya bersama-sama segera mengikuti jejak mereka, sebelum terlambat :)

Hai Ahli Kitab, sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu Rasul Kami, menjelaskan kepadamu banyak dari isi Al Kitab yang kamu sembunyikan, dan banyak (pula yang) dibiarkannya. Sesungguhnya telah datang kepadamu cahaya dari Allah, dan kitab yang menerangkan. Dengan kitab itulah Allah menunjuki orang-orang yang mengikuti keridhaan-Nya ke jalan keselamatan, dan (dengan kitab itu pula) Allah mengeluarkan orang-orang itu dari gelap gulita kepada cahaya yang terang benderang dengan seizin-Nya, dan menunjuki mereka ke jalan yang lurus. (Al-Maaidah: 15-16).